Wir machen Betriebsurlaub vom 20.12. bis 07.01. FROHE WEIHNACHTEN
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Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin

Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin informiert dich über Neuigkeiten, Hintergründe und Aktionen rund um die Sportarten Judo und BJJ. Hier halten wir dich jederzeit auf dem Laufenden.
Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin informiert dich über Neuigkeiten,... Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin informiert dich über Neuigkeiten, Hintergründe und Aktionen rund um die Sportarten Judo und BJJ. Hier halten wir dich jederzeit auf dem Laufenden. mehr erfahren »
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Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin
Das IPPON SHOP Kampfsportmagazin informiert dich über Neuigkeiten, Hintergründe und Aktionen rund um die Sportarten Judo und BJJ. Hier halten wir dich jederzeit auf dem Laufenden.
While the Junior World Championship was taking place in the Bahamas, the Spanish Judo Federation was hosting the traditional senior European Cup in Málaga, the last European Cup of the year.
This week, the absolute highlight of the year in the Junior division has been taking place on the Bahamas - The Junior World Championships. An event which was not only the highlight and closing of the season in this division, but also gives valuable points for the Senior World ranking list and...
The first Grand Prix after the World Championships was held in the beautiful surroundings of Cancun in Mexico this weekend. After a little disappointing World Championships for the IPPON GEAR Team, the athletes bounced back and showed that they do belong amongst the best fighters cashing in a lot...
From the 7th to the 9th of October, the Judo edition of the Youth Olympic Games was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It’s a competition that gives the youngsters of our sport a first taste of an Olympic experience and motivates them for the future. Each country can only send one girl and one boy.
This weekend another European Judo Open took place, this time in the Emirates Arena in Glasgow. A succesful weekend for the Ippon Gear team, who collected a total of 5 medals, of which not less than 4 athletes made it to the final.